
There are over 350 known hummingbird species, all native to the Americas, ranging from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.


They are insect and fruit eaters, not seed eaters, and can be drawn with orange slices, grape jelly, mealworms and nectar feeders.

Song Birds

Bird song has two main functions: to defend a territory and to attract a mate. It is usually the males that singing the songs.

Dave D. Driscoll

Dave loved the outdoors. He enjoyed camping up north with the family, looking for morels, and rabbit and turkey hunting.

He liked to go fishing, and it was always a special day when his sons and grandson could go with him. He was seldom seen without his camera and left us with beautiful pictures of the world around us and an abundance of family memories in photos.

He enjoyed the simple things in life like a pretty sunrise, visiting in the backyard with the neighbors, or sitting in his rocking chair on the porch watching the hummingbirds at the feeder and admiring his flowers.

Dave D. Driscoll